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Captain Cook Cruises Fiji | Blog
Who doesn’t love a great travel blog? Sharing stories about adventures around the world, and encouraging others to do the same, is a great concept. Travel blogs make travel accessible to everyone and highlight wondrous places you never even knew existed. As they tend to be opinion-based, you can find a blogger with similar interests to that of your own, and know that by visiting somewhere they’ve been you can share a similar experience. No blog should ever be considered gospel, but by finding a person you can relate to, you can get greater insight into what you might pull from a trip, be it local or overseas.
A good travel blogger becomes an authority because of honesty, because they tell it like it is, and they help you budget, plan and avoid falsely portrayed activities. They keep you safe, give you local knowledge, and provide a narrative you can trust. This is especially important for those who don’t get to travel that often, as it ensures your hard-earned money is well spent.
Considering a holiday soon? Here are 8 bloggers you should consider following.

If you haven’t heard of Nomadic Matt, now is the time to be a part of his inspiring world. He’s been writing about his experiences since travel blogging swept the globe. Nomadic Matt is The New York Times best-selling author of How to Travel the World on 50 a Day. Each month, over 1 million people take guidance from Matt to travel better, cheaper, and longer. This includes his fantastic Fiji Travel Guide, which offers information on destinations, typical costs, budget tips, activities and more.

Brooke Saward is a 24 year old with restless feet and a desire to see the world. Her blog is filled with lifestyle tips and motivation, DIY projects, and recipes, but it’s her travel tips that draw the most attention. World of Wanderlust is available as an app, has been featured in a number of different magazines, and now has a team of 5 contributors based in different cities around the world. If you’re wondering where to go for your next adventure, Brooke highly recommends Fiji, citing that not only is Fiji as “gloriously cliché” as its sun, sand and coconut sipping description sounds, but that it’s home to “the happiest and most humble people” you could ever hope to encounter.
Californian blonde Kiersten left a career in corporate finance to become a world traveller. Since then she has visited more than 50 countries and has knocked some big adventures off her bucket list. Among her favourite destinations are: Jordan, Thailand, Bolivia, Australia and Belgium, but for anyone about to head on holiday in April or May she suggests Fiji as the point of call. She describes the waters of Fiji as “world class”, suggests the reefs are comparable to that of the Great Barrier Reef, and recommends visiting colourful Hindu temples, thick tropical jungles, and natural mud pools.

Anna teaches the world that you don’t need to be born in a privileged country to travel, nor do you have to give up your job, hobbies or family life. She’s been travelling from her North American base since 2007, and has visited over 77 countries in a dress and heels. Her aim is to inspire others to stop saying, “I can’t” and instead say yes to travel. In terms of Fiji, she says it’s possible to have an amazing time – on a strict budget. In fact, she’s written an entire blog post about just how affordable Fiji can be.

Matthew is a travel addict and photographer that enjoys sharing spectacular images, inspiring videos, great advice, and wonderful stories. He’s been off exploring for five years now, and his readers can’t get enough of his adrenaline-fuelled adventures. With Matt being on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube and SnapChat, he’s an easy guy to follow, and his laid-back approach to travel writing is easy to navigate.
To enjoy the beauty of Fiji through Matt’s striking photography, check out one of his exciting Fiji posts.

Travel vlogger, videographer, blogger and comedy youtuber, Nadine Sykora, travels the world and shares her experience as she goes. Her YouTube channel has more than 270,000 subscribers and she was recently a keynote speaker at the 2016 Women in Travel Summit. Combining comedy with a backpack, beauty, and action-packed adventure, her posts on Fiji are a must-read.

Who says you can’t look great when travelling? Jenna Mrdak is the go-to girl for all things style, fashion, health and beauty, but she also loves travelling – especially when that travel takes her to beautiful Fiji. Check out her 12 Tips for Travelling to Fiji, which offers advice from flying, to booking activities, to finding the best snorkel spots.

The Mouths of Mums team offer up tips for every aspect of parenting, including travelling with kids. From camping to car travel, from winter holiday fun to overseas adventure, you’ll find a ton of travel advice to make travelling with little ones a whole lot easier. Planning your first family holiday to Fiji? Then check out this great post.
Remember, hunt around the huge variety of travel blogs to find one that suits you, and start getting excited about your upcoming adventures, be them solo, as part of a couple, or with kids in tow.